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Why Am I tired?
What does it say about our society when the most commonly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs include, anti inflammatory, sleeping pills and...

The Skinny On Fats....why they don't make you fat!
I refer to society's aversion to eating dietary fats as the 'Jane Fonda Syndrome'... Why? Because back in the 80's, bright coloured leg...

How to beat the bean - part II
Last week, we explored the effect excess coffee consumption is having on our health. Hopefully, you’ve gained new insight, and maybe even...

Is coffee your drug of choice?
You may recall when we explored the consumption of conventional cow’s milk in an earlier post, and my views on the related issues. Coffee...

Should You Give Cow's Dairy The Flick?
The question as to whether we should consume cows dairy as part of healthy diet, is a hotly debated topic, especially amongst...

Why putting off your health today, will only make tomorrow harder
I often get asked what are the most important things we need to do in order to be healthy and my response is always the same…‘It’s the...

Is Your Daily Juice Really Healthy?
We hear so much debate about juice in the media and whether or not we should avoid or consume it as part of a healthy diet, so I hope to...
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