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Leah's Story - how fixing her gut helped her to fall pregnant naturally

I have a history of PCOS – polycystic ovarian syndrome - and more recently was diagnosed with Insulin Resistance. At the time, my skin was terrible with constant breakouts, my energy levels were very low and I had a long and irregular cycle (sometimes over 45 days). I was affected by these symptoms for over 2 years once I had stopped taking the oral contraceptive pill. The treatment I was offered by the Doctors was to go back on the pill to essentially ‘hide’ the PCOS symptoms and immediately start taking a drug called Metformin to control the Insulin Resistance. I didn't want to go back on the pill as our plan was to start a family in the next year or two. The Doctor proceeded to tell me that I would find it difficult to fall pregnant naturally, due to my hormonal issues and that I may need IVF. I also didn't like the thought of taking a prescription medication ( metformin) for the rest of my life to control the Insulin Resistance, but I felt there may not be another option as my diet was already so healthy, I exercised 4 times a week and I wasn’t anywhere close to being overweight. I felt quite deflated and let down by my body as I’ve always tried so hard to eat as clean as possible.

After not agreeing with the treatment options offered by my Doctor, I contacted Sally to understand if there were any other natural alternatives for my health. My goal was to clear my skin, correct the hormonal imbalances and to give myself the best possible chance of falling pregnant naturally and most importantly, control the Insulin Resistance to prevent me from developing Type 2 diabetes down the track. Sally’s program guided me on what blood tests I needed and what the results meant and I was given advice on how I could improve my health condition through specific nutritional supplements. I was overwhelmed with happiness and confidence to discover there was a way to work through my diagnosis and correct and improve both of my health conditions without the possible need for prescription medication!

I found the eating and gut repair program detailed in Sally’s book ‘Love Your Gut’, an absolute savior! Within 3 months of being on the program, I repeated my blood work to assess my Insulin Resistance and to both mine and my Doctors surprise, my test results came back as a big fat negative! The skin on my face had cleared up, my energy levels were amazing and most noticeably my cycle was regular and much shorter (down to 29-30 days). After less than 6 months of being on the Love Your Gut program with the recommended nutritional supplements, my husband and I made the decision to begin trying for a baby. I thought it would take at least 6-12 months based on advice from my Doctors, but I was absolutely overcome with joy and surprise when I fell pregnant within the first month of trying! I am now 7 months pregnant and feel absolutely amazing.

I highly recommend Sally’s book, Love Your Gut and online Eat Yourself Healthy Program and can't thank her enough for teaching me how nutritional medicine can have such a powerful impact on your health. I don’t know if we would be welcoming a baby into our lives in the next few months without her. I will be forever grateful!

Leah Dragila, 31 years, Sydney



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